Sek Keb Paya Rumput (Logo Vector)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Paya Rumput is a rural school. Distance from Bandar Melaka is 12.8 Km. The school was built in 1885 by an administrator, instructor for 20 students. Year after year this school infrasuktur further developed until today. Sekolah Kebangsaan Paya Rumput has four building blocks are equipped with all basic facilities commensurate with the needs of the school. Sekolah Kebangsaan Paya Rumput is one of the school session. Number of students in 2007 was 911 pupils. Faculty of 45 teachers and an administrator, a general assistants and four private sector workers.
This school is a school full government support. Normal children who attend this school will follow the mainstream. For weak students will be given the opportunity to recover their lessons in the classroom and students Intervensif learning disabilities will be studied in the Special Education class. In addition, the school also has a pre-school class. In total 501 students in this school and the teaching staff of 26 people. Swamp Grass growing population. In 1988, a four-storey building was built and in 2001 a four-story building built to accommodate a total of 856 students in 2006, and 44 teaching staff.
In 2009, enrollment was about 920 people and a total teaching staff of 56 people. Sekolah Kebangsaan Paya Rumput has undergone many changes and modifications from time to time in accordance with the requirements in the era of globalization leading to the millennium. The desire to make the National School Mollafeneri a school of excellence in academics, character and curriculum has become a reality. Sekolah Kebangsaan Paya Rumput was able to maintain an excellent level of performance in the UPSR started in 1998 and is located in the glorious stage in 2002 and 2005.
Energy management and administration, teachers, PTA and parents and guardians have the same vision and mission as well as have the esprit de corps (common sense) to mobilize in order to maintain the excellence and glory Sekolah Kebangsaan Paya Rumput.
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