Sek Men Sains Kota Tinggi (Logo Vector)

Historical Background
City Science High School (TRI), a family member boarding schools (SBP) was 34th. Covering an area of 50 acres, Stream is about 50 miles from the town of Kota Tinggi towards Desaru tourist center and 90 km from Johor Bahru.
Work to measure the school was started in February 1994. In March of the same year the job of leveling the site was carried out. In May 1994 began the work of building. Building first erected four four-storey dormitory blocks each. Was followed by the construction of two blocks of boarding the Prince and Princess, two blocks to the hostel, dining hall, prayer hall, administrative block and academic halls, houses and so on.
The entire project was completed in July 1996. The construction took two years and two months. ENTERTAINMENT Building handing the Ministry of Education through the Johor Education Department by PWD KEJORA was held in August 1996. The first group of students to form a total of 179 people have been reported on 12 August 1996.
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