Maahad Raudhah An-Nazirin (Logo Vector)

In 1930 the British government set up a ruling Kelantan Malay School in La Loma. At the beginning of the establishment of the School of Literature is not received from the local community. This condition is caused by the distance to the village school too much and besides that people here also think that the subject is taught in French schools is a lesson infidels. So people here assume that the school is a school infidel Malay. Later that parents do not want to send their children to study in this school. 

To overcome this problem the government has taken certain steps which include the reading of the Quran as one of the subjects. However, Malay schools still received no response, the school finally moved to Kampung Melayu Balah because the schools in Loma is far from the village. After the opening of the new village Leban village school was again moved to the village of Bukit Soaking up now. After the school moved to the village of Khan Leban, Malay school building is still in good condition and regularly. The school was built on the site of 5 acres with a school building has four rooms and two teachers.


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